Solus Advanced Materials is committed to coexisting positively with its customers, employees, shareholders, investors, partner companies, and the local community.
We respect the fundamental rights of all our stakeholders.
We are committed to respecting human rights in all the business activities of our company, and we pledge to faithfully comply with this policy.
01 Voluntary work
All work by Solus members must be performed voluntarily. We do not force people to work against their free will through mental or physical restraint including debt bondage, and we prohibit human trafficking and all forms of labor based on exploitation.
02 Wages and Benefits
Solus pays fair wages, minimum wages, and legally mandated benefits to its workers. All work is done voluntarily with the worker's consent, and extra pay for overtime is provided in accordance with local laws.
03 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Are Guaranteed
Solus complies with the Constitution and the Labor Relations Act, which form the basis of our human rights policies. We respect and guarantee the right of employees to form, join or not join a labor union of their choice, and to associate freely for collective bargaining and peaceful assembly.
04 Prohibition on Employment of Children and Minors
Solus does not employ children or adolescents under the age of 15. When hiring employees under the age of 18, we comply with the labor laws of the relevant country and region, and ensure that they do not engage in hazardous or harmful work in terms of safety and health.
05 Humane Treatment
Solus works to prevent human rights violations such as workplace bullying and sexual harassment, and takes active and appropriate measures to provide relief when damage occurs.
06 Compliance with Working Hours
Solus complies with the local and national laws and regulations regarding reasonable limits on working hours and vacation.
07 Prohibiting Discrimination in Working Conditions and Embracing Diversity
In recruitment and other employment practices, Solus is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace that is free from any form of discrimination in management. We do not discriminate in employment, work, or working conditions on the basis of gender, race, religion, disability, place of birth, or political views.
08 Safety and Environment at Workplace
Solus establishes a safety culture so that its workers can work in a safe and healthy environment, and provides a safe working environment in accordance with local laws and regulations.
09 Responsible Supply Chain Management
Solus does not use raw materials or products produced by illegal or immoral means or methods that may violate human rights.
10 Respect for Human Rights
Solus respects the human rights of all of its employees, and is committed to preventing human rights violations.
11 Respect for Human Rights of Customers
Solus takes special care to ensure that its products and services do not harm the life, health and safety of its customers, and takes reasonable measures to protect the personal information of stakeholders collected during business activities.
12 Respect for Human Rights of Local Residents
Solus respects and protects the human rights of local residents in the areas where it operates, and complies with all local laws.